RAVEN FEST will take place on youtube on March 20th and 21st - 2021
Bringing amazing bands from several countries around the world among ASRAI (Netherlands), HEAVENWOOD and MISS LAVA (Portugal) , MORKE and LONG NIGHT (from Norway), ARKAN ASRAFOKOR (Togo AFRICA), SEASON OF GHOSTS (England), SADDOLLS (Greece) and DWELL IN DOOM (Sweden), ROCK &ROLL QUEEN (Russia) and many other bands, besides the great presenters Filipe Marta (SOS METAL Radio Show from Portugal), Tommy Linda (ex-THEATRE OF TRAGEDY from Norway), Aaron Stainthorpe (MY DYING BRIDE from England), Skinny Kangur (DEATHSTARS from Sweden) and the very talented Lindsay Schoolcraft (ex-CRADLE OF FILTH from England)... Besides amazing Brazilian bands...
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