Video clips
Shattered Time

Shattered Time


Stone Cold

All seems so Hollow

Sour Ground


In Front of Me

Pale Light

Shadows Accoustic


Asrai Full concert
Eurorock 2015

Live at Paradiso

Sour Ground
Live at Paradiso

Your hands so cold
RAVEN FEST I International Dark Edition
TV shows:
Redemtion TV
Redemption TV, which broadcast during the evening/late night on the now-defunct Musicians Channel in 2005.
Rutger leert stappen: Gothics
Rutger Leert Stappen
In this program, the presenter, Rutger Castricum, went out with a certain group of people who are going to step into and around Rotterdam, this time in the Gothic scene.
NightTown at a Asrai concert
Show was broadcast on RTV Rijnmond.