Live 2005

This time we played at the Boerderij at Zoetermeer. And it was a special night. Such a warm and enthosiatic audiance... It was a definitely a night to cherish forever..

25 feb 2005 Reel + Asrai

Sometimes he was bending over so deep; his guitar almost touched the ground. It is a great sight to see two men so completely devoted to their instrument. But there was more to see on stage, Manon (synths) and Karin (drums) were really enjoying themselves, singing along and dancing along with the music, their interaction was fun to see, it showed the warm connections between these band members. It was a pity the lights were so bad, otherwise these interactions would have stood out a bit more. There were huge amounts of red light and there was hardly any front light so let us all hope this will change in the future.
Soft whispers calling ‘Asraiiii, Asraiiii’ and a wind like sound announced the performance of the first band of this evening had begun. Margiet, with a huge amount of glitters al over her hair is the strong leading lady of this band, her fire shooting eyes and constrained fingers show us the passion she is feeling while singing her lines. This evening however the guitarists caught my eye as well. Martin (bass) seemed to be making love to his guitar, I can just imagine him caring for his guitar as if he were married to it. Rik (guitar) was completely at one with his guitar, he held it as close to him as possible.

We packed our bags, sun factor 20, bathing suits and of course our amps,
guitars and our not inflatable drum kit and all other gear.
So we were ready to go and ready to rock.....

Join us on our trip through Spain by clicking this link


12 Augustus 2005
Animadverto, Asrai, Autoagression, Autumn, The Azoic, The Birthday Massacre, Black Tongue Tribe, Chillburn, Crystal Entity, The Crüxshadows, Diary of Dreams, Dragonfly, Dulce liquido, Epica, Estampie, Fertile reality, Glis, Gothminister, Image Transmission, Misery, More machine than man, Morgenstern, Morning, My Insanity, Nemesea,
the Old Dead Tree, Olen'k, Panic DHH, Penumbra, Qntal, S.K.E.T., Sonata Arctica, StinScatzor, Suicide Commando, Syrian, T. Raumschmiere, Tamtrum, Therion, UnterNull.

Tonight Hillegom became Hellegom where all the dark creatures could gather for a ghouling and howling night full of guilty pleasures.

There weren't any problems getting through customs and at 7.15 pm we were up in the air.

It was Martin's first fright flight

We arrived at Stansted at 7.10 local time, we were totally surprised that it was so quiet at the airport; we almost started to miss the security check.
Henk, our devilish driver, and Ingrid left for England with our gear the day before. They took the ferry from Calais and booked a picturesque hotel near Stansted.

So we had more than enough time to watch the road and found the CAMDEN LOCK HOTEL LONDON easier than expected. While we where checking in, the ever watchfull parking police decided to provide us with a parking-fine in the first ten minutes of our arrival and we where glad they didn't clamp us welcome to London (For that matter all big cities are the same, so it almost felt like home)

It was time for some relaxing, and what is more relaxing than to go shopping in Camden?

A bit too early we arrived at the Underworld where Arcturus and Red Harvest were busy with their sound check.

That night Redemption television would be filming all performances and do interviews with all the bands. But the time schedule was a bit tight so due to our sound check we didn't have the time to do the interview in their improvised studio. And we decided that we would do it in between the gigs of Red Harvest and Arcturus.
At 6.30 dinner was served, or so we thought, and we gave our orders. But with two bands and crew before us, and a little Chinese woman that spoke perfect Chinese but not a word of English to cook and serve us, 5 minutes became 15 minutes and the food wasn't in sight and half a hour later we decided it was better to play with an empty stomach than to be burping on stage.

Waiting for dinner.. ?
At 7.00 am the venue would open their doors and we started at; no time to eat it's time to rock!

Marcel, doing some fine tuning
After Red Harvest show we ran backstage for an interview with Redemption TV. We had a nice interview with a really nice lady. (It's always nice to talk with someone how has the same vision about music, specially females in (metal-) music.)

Thanks Matt ...for dropping off
some flyers

After Arcturus the place emptied in no- time sorry Mario, no after party.

Drummers ball

Although we thought we had more than enough time, (time means nothing when you're having fun) so we couldn't enjoy a last meal together.

The flight to Amsterdam was earlier than the flight back to Rotterdam, so we checked Mario in, kissed him goodbye, got back to the hall and decided to check in.
So when we arrived at the queue we caught a last glance of Mario going through customs.

De inmiddels flink internationaal doorgebroken band lijkt in het begin ietwat onwennig op de wellicht voor hun te krappe locatie. Maar na het eerste nummer is het ijs gebroken en speelt de band vol overgave een puike set.

Wat opvalt is dat Asrai door het vele spelen op grote festivals en poppodia een enorme sprong voorwaarts heeft gemaakt. De presentatie van de bombastische en de vlekkeloos gespeelde nummers maakt een professionele indruk.

21 October 2005,
Tonight we play together with The Outburst and Machine Deus Ex at the Espace Curial in Paris.
Fully back we drove to the most romantic cities of the world. We are in a very good mood because the next day we would play at the Female voices fest.
Driving through the streets of Paris we noticed a tension under youngsters, who were hanging out and looking with a nasty attitude to Karin when she got out the van and walked through their neighborhood needed get the key for the gate....
At Espace Curial we got a warm welcome and the two other band we played with was a pleasure to look at on stage. In the meantime our van got also some attention from the youngsters outside. Smudged and damaged, our van was waiting for us after a great rocking night. So we decided to leave straight away and give some necessary attention to the van later...
Not even a week later a series of riots occurred in the suburbs of Paris and other French cities.. When three youngsters hid in a power-station where two died from electrocution, resulting in a power blackout. The incident ignited rising tensions about youth unemployment and police harassment in the poorer housing estates. ..

Also this time Mario is joing us on stage
We would like to thank Metal Organization and all the enthusiastic people who made this festival very special.

It's been a while ago that we played in Rotterdam. 5th Nov it was about time for having that party.

Tonight we're playing at the Willemeen at Arnhem. A nice looking venue and tonight we share again the stage with o.a. The Wounded... Shame that the other support act started more then an hour too late and played double the time then agreed... so way out off scheduale The Wounded finally could enterd the stage, by the time that they're finished it was so late that many people already had to go, shame that therefor a lot of our fans had to miss a big part of the concert

Killing some time back stage

With guest appearance from Devon

Tonight is a special night. Karin recieved her own signed drumsticks from the endoursement she have with Balbex...
Thanks to Pat Sticks