07-10-2010 - On the Road

And in the same spirit we got on board of the boat..
It’s a good thing that it’s not allowed to sleep on the bus in your own bunk while you’re on the ferry.

Heading to Calais, the next morning we had to be early at the airport to pick up Tristania. At the border we were so lucky to visit a homey customs in the middle of the night, the warm welcome we got, will always be remembered.

It’s so much nicer to get some sleep at a cold couch with in the background, the loud sound of the Disney movie; Junglebook, because they have to entertain all those kids in the middle of the night.

08-10-2010 - The Underworld - Londen - UK

Without any problems we put on all the stuff and it was nice to see that from the start there was good teamwork. We didn’t have much time so after Tristania’s sound check there was only time for Unsun to do theirs. And they needed to get ready for the first show of this tour.

At the door somebody cleaned up and throw away some papers at the door, a shame when it turned out that one of those papers was our guest list. Luckily Martin was smoking out-side so he managed to get our guests; Ruud and Sabrina in

The venue was getting crowed and Unsun got a warm welcome from an enthusiastic audience.
We wanted to see Trisiania’s performance, now we had all time for that.
everybody was enjoying the evening. Musically and personally it promised to be a good tour!

The next show will be in Holland so we load all the stuff into the bus and trailer, and heading to the ferry again.

Tristania, Asrai en Unsun – Underworld, London

Posted on October 12, 2010 by musiccredo tekst: Sabrina Smit
foto: copyright www.deadbysunrise.co.uk 8 oktober – Underworld, London.

Tristania + Asrai + Unsun at The Underworld, Camden 8th Oct

11 Oct 2010, 12:07
Fri 8 Oct – Tristania, Asrai, UnSun
Asrai: 7:45-8:32pm
By AndyMerritt

Dark and shadowy musical images accompanied Ms Mol’s forceful singing. With make-up for the occasion, her expression and eyes suggested that she meant everything she was singing and more. “In Front of Me” followed. Her voice reverberated across the room in accompaniment to a dark and heavy electro-beat, but she equally proved her ability to deliver dark sadness and emotion.
The steady beat of the drum and the dark anger of the guitar work set the sullen tone. The guitarist’s face was mysteriously hidden behind a mop of red and black hair. For me, the stand-out song was “Hollow”, presented to us as a new one. This song provided plenty to move to as well as the trademark Darkwave atmospherics. An electro beat worthy of fellow Dutch Gothsters Clan of Xymox whistled through the catchy and dark heaviness. I sensed that Ms Mol was pleased with the way it went. So were we. “Shadows” ended the band’s show. This afforded Ms Mol a final chance to impress us with her lungs. The keys rang out, the dream beat solidly and the guitars struck a punitive rhythm. Ms Mol cosied up to the guitarists. “Shadows” capped off a thoroughly dynamic performance from Asrai.
Andrew Doherty

09-10 - Metropool- Hengelo- Holland

After the show there was a small after-disco were some Norwegians got lost, well they were not the only one.....

Backstage we bumped in to Bertolf (a Dutch artist), who performed that evening as well… He never heard about a band called; Gate to Hell.

Well neither did we. It’s the name of the rental company for the backline.

Margriet had a flashback to Spinal tap when the elevator played tricks on her and she got lost at the venue. In the end she was saved by the stairs, but she had to pay the price with caring all her stuff downstairs.

Tristania – back on top with passionated show in Hengelo
Posted on October 13, 2010 by musiccredo
tekst: Silvia Deurwaarder
© Muzikantenweb Magazine
Asrai is a Dutch band on this package and has a real own label in the gothic scene.

With their typical sound, not easy to describe and you need some time to switch over from dark melancholic Unsun to an overwhelming performance from these musicians. From the beginning till the end they give two hundred percent and easily warm up the crowd.

Again the sound is a bit too loud, maybe the sound guy didn’t realise the venue wasn’t totally packed and the balance was gone for a while. For a band like Asrai the little details on arrangements, vocals and piano are very important and it needs a lot of attention to change levels all the time.

Especially Margriet is a real eye-catcher. ‘Stay With Me’ has a uprising beat, dark and doomy with on top a fragile Margriet, showing that is capable of so much more. Excellent first impression!
more: Music-credo

10-10 - Melkweg- Amsterdam- Holland
The following morning the bus stopped by a fancy hotel, so we could freshen up. The faces of the regular customs we won’t forget easily when we were splashing some water on our faces to get awake. And they will never forget ours, with our toothbrushes in our mouth. Clean and with blinking teethes, smelling fresh again it was time to go to Amsterdam
The picturesque capital city of The Netherlands, with the famous canals of Amsterdam. To cross the canals there are historic small bridges… And that turned out to be a problem for our big tourbus. To make a u-turn is impossible so we got stuck on one of the bridges.

Again we caused some traffic jams; we even got stuck in a traffic jam we caused. Finally we got near to the Melkweg.

And straight in front of the door of a police station we got stuck again.
We couldn’t park at all because of a crappy parked car. It was hilarious when we found out that that car was from one of the policemen. The parking problem was soon fixed after he removed the car.
The bus was really tight parked at the canal in front of the Melkweg. First we needed to check if everybody could swim, in case of a minor accident.
Everything was quickly on stage and after the soundcheck we could enjoy the dinner. Although Rik was forgotten by the waitress. In the end, acording to the famous A'dam mentailty he got some food what she chooses for him, although not the one he likes....

It was time to get ready for the gig. Some special guests were at the Melkweg and again we enjoyed seeing familiar and new faces.
We met a guy who missed the London show and flew over to Amsterdam to see the Rubicon package at the Melkweg..


They´re better than I can remember, it´s like seeing a totally new band. I can say that I really enjoyed every minute of their show very much.

Unsun, Asrai en Tristania @ Melkweg Amsterdam
Geschreven door Rebecca
woensdag, 13 oktober 2010 07:34

11-10 Glazart – Paris - France

When we arrived at the Glazart, we had to park at a bus station. The people looked so strange at us, probably they were wondering about our destination.

Paris is known as one of the most romantic cities of Europe, we didn’t see anything of that.

No Tour Eiffel, no Sainte Chappele only the big sound wall on the sideline of the highway.
Well our destination was the Glazart, a black venue with less light at the small corridors. Feeling our way to stage and backstage. It was time to discover more about this venue.

And then we’re not even talking about the beach feeling we got when we got out side. It looks like we were in Mexico. 25 degrees, a nice venue, nice people… What more do you want? Except for not getting lost all the time while searching for stage?
And there was a lot to discover. Really cool art on the walls. A pearl was a terrace in the venue.

by Ouraz

At 24.00 hrs we were almost ready with loading when it was time to congratulate Manon with her birthday.

Time for presents....

The birthdaygirl

Time to celebrate and gave her some presents in the bus, sing-along’s from Happy Birthday in English, Dutch and Norwegian.

...and some drinks

12-10 Die Rohre Stuttgart
That morning Mariangela was freshen up her French, reading the newspaper we brought in the other night. She read out loud our horoscope and told us what the stars had to tell. We were warned bout the fact that we need to go to the dentist. Well we are believers now, especially when Karin’s tooth broke in two. We tried to find a dentist; well they are all closed on a Wednesday in Stuttgart.
In the meantime we heard rumors about the riots at Stuttgart regarding Hauptbahnhof. It seems that the Stuttgart 21 project has been a controversial issue among politicians and locals since the idea of a through station for long distance trains - running under the existing station. That issue collapsed, days before we had to play at the Röhre.

We were prepared for the worse when we arrived at Stuttgart. Despite of the violence what happened days before we didn’t see the issue for cancelling the show for this evening.

But the organization didn’t even have the decency to show up and explain their decision to cancel the show.
We went into the park to check the situation, had a nice drink, because you have to admit. In Germany they know how to make a nice terrace. And again we had summer temperature, nice drinks. And the only remains of the riots were the pictures on the walls.

Protest.. with cuddly toys on the trees ..

Running scared for some Norwegians ....

There was no use to stay there, we couldn’t reach somebody from Röhre and to stay all day at the park was not an option.

We autographed the pictures of a fan which was waiting for us at the venue. We got back in the bus and on the road again. Were we showed more hospitality than we intend too when the backdoor of the bus opened unexpectedly on the highway.

13-10 – Batschkapp/ Nachtleben - Frankfurt - Germany
The jinx we had at Stuttgart didn’t leave us the next day, heading to the Batschkapp we heard that the show was somewhere else. That venue was Nachtleben, situated in the middle of a shopping centre. And there we had to park the bus. To get the parking done we killed some bushes, because we had to drive straight through.

Talking about the jinx who didn’t leave us, first Carlos, one of the crewmembers, had some problems with his leg and it seems more serious then we toughed, so he had to go to the doctor. (At least they were open.) Back with medication and the receipy: rest!
In Front of Me
Pale Light
Die folgenden Asrai sollten vor zwei Jahren als Support von Moonspell, Gorgoroth und Cradle of Filth in der Batschkapp spielen, allerdings fiel der Auftritt aus. Diesmal hatte es geklappt, und ich war gespannt, denn damals hatte ich lediglich über die Band gelesen und auch jetzt hatte ich noch keinen einzigen Song gehört. Mit druckvollem Sound und sauberem Spiel kam recht schnell auch bei Asrai gute Stimmung auf, mit ihrem 80er/90er Gothic-Sound trafen sie den Geschmack der Meisten im Publikum.
During their performance, Pete broke a violin string, and short after that the snare of the drumkit was ruined.. As quickly as possible we prepare another snare in the meantime the string was replace and before we know it everything was back on track again. And Tristania played with such an intensity we won’t forget easily.

14-10 - Markthalle- Hamburg- Germany

The Markhalle is a special place; it s so close at the train station that every time a train passed you could hear it on the bass-amp. And that had an effect on Martin. So we were enjoying ourselves even more on stage just looking at him and guessing when the next train would pass by.

First we explored the market, before we were heading back to Markthalle. When we arrived there, we found out that we had some problems. While unloading, the wheel of the trailer broke off. We were lucky that we were at the hometown of the tourbus rental company. So they could come over to get it fixed, among other small details.

We were killing time with nice food, and getting all the stuff up to the venue. It was many stairs and we were soooo lucky that there was an elevator. Some of us went to a shop to buy some drumstuff among other goodies.

Getting some cookies backstage

While waiting on the elevator we found time to be on the big stage.

15-10 - Alte spinnerei- Glauchau – Germany
The next day we arrived at the Alte Spinnerei, it’s a really nice venue, with a cozy atmosphere. Were a good breakfast was waiting for us.
There was some time left for doing some groceries and some of us found out that you get even nice ladystuff at the handymen. Manon found some crème to loosen the muscles. We were splashing around with the crème, just to warm up.

We all were impressed by one of the stagehands who manage to carry heavy stuff with one hand while we needed four, to do the same job. So in not-time we were ready.

Well on stage it became burning hot. With the stage lights on, (pointed at Manon’s back, were we put loads of crème.) We got the special effect that steam was coming out of Manon’s ears.

Photos by Art of Nero

16-10 - Loch Ness – Kraków - Polen

The smoke for the lightshow was used enthusiastically (we couldn’t see a hand backstage). And again that night the drum kit seems to get its own live on stage. Moving like hell like it was doing a dance for its life. It costs some creativity to control the drum kit that night.

Intro i wychodzi Asrai. Również bez zbytniego entuzjazmu ze strony publiczności. "Hello, we are Asrai from Holland, and it's our first time in Poland. Poland - Holland, hahah". Na początek "Your Hands So Cold". Od razu słychać różnicę w klasie wokalistek, Margriet ma mocny, czysty głos i świetnie nim operuje.
Setlista składała się z 10 utworów, w tym jednego nowego - "Hollow". Z tego, co pamiętam, zagrali jeszcze: "Pale Light" (uśmiech wokalistki widzącej, że śpiewam refren był bezcenny... ale do czasu), "Shadows" (na koniec), "Stay With Me",

"Awaken" (byłoby niezłe pogo... gdyby było), "In Front Of Me", "Sour Ground" i "Delilah's Lie".

Asrai znałem z płyt, toteż wiedziałem, czego się spodziewać, ale i tak miło mnie zaskoczyli swoją charyzmą (mimika twarzy i gestykulacja Manon były powalające; do tego stwierdziliśmy jeszcze, że przypomina Vibeke, więc był już zupełny odlot...), zgraniem i poziomem swojej muzyki. Występ jak najbardziej na plus, niczego w nim nie brakowało. Ba, niektórym tak się podobało, ze wołali o jeszcze! Za co zespół grzecznie podziękował, bijąc nam brawo z uśmiechami od ucha do ucha. Dodam tylko, by być skrupulatnym, że basista co chwilę upuszczał kostkę, łącznie grali lekko ponad 50 minut.
Dłuższa niż poprzednio przerwa, ponad 20 minut, Gyri się rozpakowuje, podłącza osprzętowanie, wołamy, machamy, prześlicznie się uśmiecha, macha w naszą stronę, sprawdzanie mikrofonów, problemy z sygnałem do wzmacniacza Andersa, wymiana blach w perkusji, test świateł, rozklejanie setlisty. Jako jedyny mam na tyle dobry wzrok, by ją przeczytać, wiec czytam wszystkim dookoła, którzy chcą usłyszeć (jeśli komuś zaspoilerowałem, to przepraszam!).
Check out the rest of this review at: Rockmetal.pl
Photos by: Grzegorz Chorus

17-10 – Randal- Bratislava- Slovakia
We won’t forget that bumpy road to Slovakia. That night we didn’t sleep that much.
Early in the morning we had an extra stop when the police checked us out and give us a ticket, what was 35 times more expansive then the toll-vignette!... The police took pictures of the bus and after they received the money we were allowed to continue the journey. Rock on…

So we had to go back again and going to the right venue. Although that stage wasn’t as big, the venue was really cool, whish we had one like that in our hometown. Cool art, nice bar and again an underground atmosphere we like so much.

Because of the extra delay we had to rush to the venue, and when we arrived, we entered, after climbing some stairs, a really big stage. Pleased we walked to the crew who wasn’t expecting us at all. Soon it turned out that we walked one fence too far.

We put everything on stage; we eat a little and enjoyed the bar. Electricity was something special over there, as soon when somebody connected his laptop the light went out at the dressing room.

Downstairs the shower was not like home, and when we heard that the shower upstairs was much better we decided after the show to take a shower. Karin and Margriet start their journey. They found some dark places over there and got totally lost, when Martin and Manon found them.
It was a happy end when we came back in the venue, smelling fresh again and ready to party. Well and at the Randal, they know how to party.. We met some nice people who introduced us to some traditional drinks. na zdraví!!

Na zdraví!!

18-10 Day off!!!

We would meet Mariangela at the Karlův most or in English; Charles Bridge, full painters, statues, owners of kiosks and other traders alongside numerous tourists crossing the bridge. Well we were one of those numerous tourists enjoying the view. When we crossed the bridge we wandered around, till the evening fall.
It was easy to find out were to go and like some tourists we got into the subway, looking for a bank to get some cash and something to eat

Mariangela needed to get back to the hotel and we would call each other to meet up later on again. We wanted to visit the golden lane, we never got there.

We heard from several people that they were working in that area and that probably the lane was closed.

We received a message that Tristania was getting to an Indian restaurant, we were thinking about the restrictions regarding the use of the toilet at the bus in combination with some spicy food. We decided to look for another place to eat. That couldn’t be somewhere else than at Satan’s place. It was hell’s kitchen with devilish good food!

19-10 - Exit Chmelnice – Praha - Czech rep.

Again a lot off traffic was getting stuck when we do our turn, on the sideline of the road there were some policemen watching our movement with a certain interest. When we were almost there they arranged that we could get back on the road and leading us to a complete different road. We never saw that cabdriver again.

Asrai mě odradili od bližšího seznamování, už když jsem si prohlížel jejich fotky na Last.fm: spílejte mi do konzervativců, ale mě postarší ženštiny v latexu vážně moc nepřitahují. Naživo Asrai působí stejně jako na fotografiích: true gothic pětice (z toho tři ženské: zpěv, bicí a klávesy), nad jejímiž modely gothičtí návštěvníci jistě závistivě slinili
, ostatní se spíše shovívavě usmívali – například kytarista v latexových kalhotách trochu připomínal potápěče, ovšem jelikož mu jako 'top' sloužila jakási atrapa brnění, zřejmě by se potopil jenom jednou. Žerty stranou: Asrai hudebně rozhodně nebyla taková hrůza jako Unsun,

Nizozemci působí už neuvěřitelných 20 let (co jsem říkal o postarších ženštinách?) a rozhodně jsou sehraní a drží určitý koncept. Pochválil bych mocný ženský zpěv; zaujaly mě též aranže, kdy latexový

20-10 - K 17 – Berlin – Germany
Back to Germany again and we were looking forward to visit a Raststätte. For a nice drink, breakfast, shower etc... That morning we heard that Volbeat and Entombed crew had a bus accident with their Red Car tourbus in Norway, well that made us quite. Glad that nobody was injured.

It’s always nice to be in Berlin, one of our favourite cities. When we were looking through our windows we see all the streets we passed, and they were so close by to some cool places and shops... It was a shame that we couldn’t stop to shop.

When we arrived at the K17, we had to get trough an 18 meter lane with a 20 meter bus. Well we didn’t come as far as we had in mind. At least Harold got the bus parked. We enjoyed the homemade cooking and had some fun backstage.
It turned out that Ole lived for some month in Berlin and fluently he made a small speech in German. (Vielen dank) Of course we were all impressed. The shows were nice like the audience. When we were back in the bus again we came up with the brilliant idea of getting some Dönner kebab and falafel.

We never forget the guys face when we all entered his shop and order for twenty men. Guess that after we run in, he earned enough and could close the place for that night.

21-10 - Backstage- Munchen – Germany

When we were ready to go for our sound check, we discovered that our backdrop-bat was flying up side down. We were glad that we could save that one. It was far out the funniest sound-check ever. The Backstage crew was really fun and knows what they were doing. This promised to be a good show and it did.

22-10 - Z7 – Pratteln- Suisse
We were heading to z7 and today it would be the last show of the Rubicon Tour as we had it for all these days. Suddenly the end of the tour was there.

After the soundcheck it was time to get ready for our last show on the Rubicon tour

Wise words straight before you enter the stage.
Tender trip on earth

23-10 Female voices fest Wieze – Belgium.
It was time to go home, but not before we had a stop the Female voices festival – Wieze. Tristania had to play their last show and unexpectedly Unsun was entering the stage there as well, because one of the bands was cancelled..

It was nice to meet some old friends again and to see that some people were searching at the program when we would play. Not this day, we’re just there to enjoy ourselves and we had all time to watch Unsun and Tristania, without thinking about getting dressed and doing change overs. Among other things.

The next morning Tristania had to catch a plain from Hamburg, with the trip in mind we had to leave on time. We were back in the bus again when suddenly we heard banging on the window.

Heading home, from Wieze first we go back to Rotterdam, before the bus is going to bring back the back-line and bring Tristania to the airport.

at least he can swear in two languages
On the road Gyri and Rik adopted satans-son, now it's time to talk over were he's going to grow up and where to spend his holidays...

We had such good times with each other, at the bus, backstage etc. We will miss it and hope to see you soon again.
Tusen Takk for uforglemmelig opplevelse!