-High in the Sky -

Day 2 - 12th January Café Iguana

. Let the party begins!!
After a short line-check we could go to the hotel It was a pleasant surprise that some fans were waiting outsite chasing autographs.

We took time for a quick shower and wanted to change our clothes. But the coach was vanished with our necessary bags in it. aarrrgghhh. There was some panic in our eyes; what to wear? Everything was in the coach and we were running out of time.

- Rock Hard Guadalajara-
So what do you want more accept for a bit more sleep?

In a hurry we had to go back to the hotel and catch some water and trying to wash our sleepy eyes. Someone was waiting for us for autographs and photos (Cool, still wondering how they found us?)..

- Let's go Banana's-

Everyone seems to have a great time, especially back stage.

Hanging out with all the other bands and crew and the meet & greet with the fans in the venue and in between that all we had to find some time for an interview on the kitchentable.
Ofcourse we were running out of beer (SOL) so time for tequila.

When we got back in the hotel we got a choice; or get two hours of catching up some sleep in those enormous luxury beds or continue the party in the Coconut bar.

Day 5/6 - 15th & 16th January
- To touch the sky just one more time -