Live 2015

For another time we play at the Gothic Fantasy beurs at the Broodfabriek....
Enjoying being on stage and ofcourse to shop until we drop.....

- Stone Cold
- Pale Light
- Stay with me
- Shadows
- Ghost.

For the brave ones who got up early to support all the bands...
thanks to Marleo Video

Time to get something to drink, and get ready to enjoy the show of Stoneman…
After an energetic show it was nice to get some food, so we all got backstage and gathered in the tent were they served a hot meal. It was crowed so while standing we had our dinner. And when it was time to have a drink, the catering started to clean up. And then we started to realized that something was going on. We didn’t hear any music and we figured out that we were one of the last bands who got a warm meal. The atmosphere turned around.

In the meantime we bumped into Rob from Attitude who asked us if we could help him out.
In half an hour the Miss and Mr Alternative verkiezing would start and Eurorock didn’t gave them the jury members they promised.
So Manon and Karin went to the tent were this election would happen and made the jury complete. While our crew is checking out the situation

Asrai - VerdamMnis Magazine
La deuxième journée de l'Eurorock Fest était divisée entre groupes électroniques d'un côté, et influences metal de l'autre. C'est dans cette branche que s'illustre les néerlandais de ASRAI qui s'avancent sur la Hell Stage.

On sent tout de suite les années d'expérience du groupe qui délivre une performance sacrément dynamique et maîtrisée. On est content de voir des musiciens de fond de scène aussi performeurs que les leaders. La musique, bien qu'un peu clichée dans son style gothic rock, est jouée live à la perfection. Le public réagit très positivement à l'enthousiasme très communicatif du groupe.

Asrai - VerdamMnis Magazine
The second day of the Eurorock Fest was divided between electronic bands on the one hand, and metal influences on the other. It is in this branch that the Dutch of ASRAI are illustrated, who are advancing on the Hell Stage. We immediately feel the years of experience of the group which delivers a damn dynamic and controlled performance. We are happy to see musicians in the background performing as well as the leaders. The music, although a bit cliché in its gothic rock style, is played live to perfection. The public reacts very positively to the very communicative enthusiasm of the group.